Rising Stars: Meet Arianna Wellmoney
Today we’d like to introduce you to Arianna Wellmoney..
Meet Arianna Wellmoney: Actress
We had the good fortune of connecting with Arianna Wellmoney and we’ve shared our conversation below.
Arianna Wellmoney, un’attrice Italiana a New York
La passione di Arianna per gli Stati Uniti nasce da piccola, guardando i telefilm americani. Poi la folgorazione per la recitazione durante l’ultimo anno di liceo e il provino per essere ammessa in una scuola di recitazione di New York. La prendono.
#stayhome but our friends of Biologi Alla Riscossa are always doing something important...and now we prepared a videoconference between Piedmont and New York to talk about a lot of things, including food, with our dear actress friend @ariannawellmoney
Intervista con Arianna Wellmoney
Mi racconti dei tuoi inizi a Milano?
Ho girato il mio primo film, “Castelli per Aria” quando avevo 10 anni: era un progetto per la scuola, organizzato da professori e da qualche professionista del mestiere. È stata la mia prima vera esperienza davanti alla cinepresa. Fare quel breve film e partecipare alle piccole recite era sempre una delle cose che mi piaceva di più fare a scuola. Alle superiori ho cominciato a fare video e sketch di momenti di vita scolastica, uno dei quali fu filmato con il resto della classe e presentato all’Università Bicocca per un concorso sul ruolo della donna nel mondo del lavoro. Durante il mio ultimo anno delle superiori partecipai ad un corso di recitazione cinematografica alla scuola “Campo Teatrale”, dove presentammo uno spettacolo a fine anno.
Ciao mi presento, sono un’attrice Italiana a New York. Nome d’arte Arianna Wellmoney
Piacere, mi chiamo Arianna Wellmoney (nome d’arte di Arianna Guelmani)! Sono una attrice nata e cresciuta a Milano. Da 5 anni abito a New York. Di recente, ho girato una serie TV, intitolata “La Santera” che uscirà quest’anno. L’anno scorso ho scritto uno spettacolo teatrale intitolato “Extraordinary Aliens” e ho interpretato uno dei ruoli principali. Dopo essere stata presentata a New York, sono stata invitata a portare la piece teatrale all’Hollywood Fringe Festival di Los Angeles.
“It’s nice to be always busy as an actor…”
Arianna Wellmoney is an Italian actress currently living and working in New York City. In April 2016, she graduated from the American Academy of Dramatic Arts, where she was directed by Lisa Milinazzo in Ellen McLaughlin’s Tongue Of a Bird, playing the role of Charlotte. In September 2019, Arianna reprised the role of Tam in “The Pot”, this time performing it at the Schimmel Center. The event was supported by the United Nations, World Health Organisation and Pace University.
Arianna Wellmoney: Aliens, food and apps
Arianna, you graduated from the American Academy of Dramatic Arts in April 2016. Since then, you participated in a lot of plays, movies, TV shows and web series… What have you been doing in the past couple years?
I had a lot of interesting projects. First, the web series “Immigrants Eat It!”, a mini series that showed the reaction of immigrants eating American food for the first time. After that, I had the great opportunity of being a testimonial for Tinder. It really meant a lot to me on a personal level: showing that there are a lot of sexual orientations helped me express myself. It focused the attention on the battles that the LGBTQIA+ is fighting in the USA, as well as in Europe and Italy, too.
Life and Work with Arianna Wellmoney
Today we’d like to introduce you to Arianna Wellmoney.
Arianna, let’s start with your story. We’d love to hear how you got started and how the journey has been so far.
I am from Casoretto in Milan, Italy, but I knew from a young age that I wanted to be an actor living in the United States because American films and TV shows were always my favorite ones to watch and recreate with my friends. I filmed my first movie when I was ten years old, it was part of a school project of my elementary school and I remember having tons of fun, filming over months in different locations (including a Medieval castle). Throughout my teen years, I would participate in school productions and record short films with my friends.
Arianna Wellmoney knew that whatever she managed to accomplish in Italy would only carry over in New York. This much is true. So far, she has graced the screen and the stage with one project after another….
Let’s talk love with Arianna
Paula interviews Arianna in her bed and they talk about love, about acting in the city, about the play Arianna wrote, starred in and produced at the Hollywood Fringe: "Extraordinary Aliens", about being an immigrant and then they play charades.
The Dionysian
I have always loved watching American tv shows and films and I knew from a very early age that I wanted to move here to be a part of the industry. Performing in school plays was always my favorite part of the year: my favorite one was in middle school - we read stories of young people in Italy during the Second World War and we turned their experiences into a play.
VNews24 is a free Italian website about news and events in Italy and all around the world. A voice for young people that serves the purpose of giving information and news that are rich of content, easy to read and practical.
The Role of Identity
What happens when someone decides to rebel against this practical way of doing and to follow only their heart? Some people, like the 22-year-old actress Arianna, born in Milan and now living and working in New York City, decide to make a career out of following their dreams with a lot of determination.